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Important Announcenement | In Memoriam

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Hi All,

It is with a heavy heart that I must bring some unfortunate news. On the 16th of December 2023,  we lost a valued and beloved member of our community. A man who gave his everything to family, friends and SA'F as a whole. Out of respect to his family, his name will be kept inside the community at this time.

He leaves behind his newly born daughter, his young son, his caring parents and his loving wife. Our hearts & condolences go out to his family & friends during this time.

May he rest in peace, for he will never be forgotten.


Because of this, there will be a significant & noticeable delay in recruitment. We understand this may upset some, however we request patience whilst we ourselves process this news. We promise recruitment will ramp up again in due time.

Kind regards,

J. Picard
Community Manager | www.safrp.us

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